Corto Mascle

LaBRI, Bordeaux

Passive LTL learning

We are given two finite sets of finite words, we have to find a formula that is satisfied by all the words of the first set but none of the second.

Lock-sharing systems

Finite automata are running in parallel. They have access to a shared set of locks, that they may acquire or release. May they end up blocking each other ?

Randomised history-deterministic automata

We are given a non-deterministic automaton. An adversary chooses an infinite word w in the language of that automaton and gives us the letters one by one. At each step we have to answer with a transition so that we ultimately describe an infinite run of the automaton accepting w. One tweak: we are allowed to toss a coin when we make our choices! Can we succeed for all w?

Sound deterministic negotiations

In the wild and complicated world of distributed systems, sound deterministic negotiations offer a very (maybe too?) structured behaviour: The processes communicate through scheduled appointments, allowing them to know when and where they will meet each other. Where does this model stand between sequential and distributed automata?

Computing responsibility

Various components of a system are working as a team to achieve a common objective. How can we measure the importance a given componenet has with respect to that goal?


Someone messed with your keyboard: The keys do not behave as they should, your backspace writes three letters, your 'a' key erases two and goes to the left,... Which words can you type with your new keyboard?

Population games

You arrive in front of a large number of copies of the same automaton. All you can do is yell letters one after the other. Every time your automata will change their state according to the letter you gave. The problem is that your automata are non-deterministic and, when faced with several transitions for the same letter, will chose at random. Can you get them all to an accepting state?


Hyper-Welcome to the hyper-world of hyper logics! We adapt classical logics on infinite words to get them to talk about SETS of infinite words.

Killing words

Given an incomplete non-deterministic automaton, can we find a word that cannot be read from any state? This problem is a difficult one in general, but here we will show that it gets easier when restricted to unambiguous automata, and link this to the theory of codes!